Tuesday, 26 November 2013

how to create mobile blogs


With the rise and prominence of mobile web browsing, bloggers are making sure their blogs are mobile friendly. If the desktop view of your blog is what your blog readers see on their mobile phones, then you need to Go Mobile!

It will take much longer to load your blog on smartphones which in turn, might be frustrating your blog readers if you've not optimized your blog for mobile screens. Now, when it comes to making a blog hosted on blogger mobile friendly, all you just need to do is to enable a blogger mobile template for your blog.

Mobile templates will re-format your blogs for smartphones to enhance your readers’ viewing experience. Once enabled, your blog spot blog will automatically be redirected to the mobile view when accessed from a smartphone. The Blogger mobile templates support mobile ads and allow readers to make comments and watch videos.

How to Mobile Friendly Blogspot Blog?

To create your Blogger blog to be mobile friendly, simply login to your blog dashboard and go to > Template. Click on the gear icon beneath the mobile template preview. Then, select the "Yes. Show mobile template on mobile devices." option. Choose a mobile template and then save settings.

blogger mobile template settings

Your blog readers will now be seeing the Blogger mobile view of your blog whenever they access your blog with a smartphone.

Can I Customize The Mobile View of My Blog spot Blog?

Yes, if you select the "custom" mobile template.

By default Blogger have provided only 8 mobile templates which you can NOT edit as you desired. To edit the mobile view of your blog spot blog, you must activate the custom mobile template. I will discuss this further in another blog post.

==> Ad sense mobile ads will show on the Blogger default mobile templates if you've added, at least one of your Google ad units on your blog, using the AD SENSE GADGET OR if you have configured your blog to display inline ads.

==> Header, Blog, Profile (About Me), Ad Sense, and Attribution gadgets display by default on Blogger 

 mobile templates.

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