Thursday, 28 November 2013


 Amazon is now known
as the world's largest
online retailer.
what you may not
have known is that
there are several ways for you to earn
money at home from
this company. You can
make money working
from home as a
customer service representative, by doing simple tasks
online, for your
products, and so much
more. Here are some
things that you can do
right now to start making money online. Sell Your Products There's many places
where you can sell
your inventory or
products online and
Amazon also offers
you the option to earn money for your items.
Because they are the
number one online
retailer, you will have
access to millions of
customers and have the potential to earn
good  revenue. You
can sell DVDs,
electronic equipment,
clothes, jewelry, and
so much more. They are now launching an
online wine
marketplace so you
could even sell wine
 With Your Own
Website or blog Amazon will allow you
to earn money with
your own e-
commerce website.
You can acquire your
online marketplace on Amazon to maximize
your online exposure
and earn money while
doing so.
The service is free for
the first 30 days and afterward you will
have to pay a monthly
fee but it is a great
way to generate
traffic to increase
your sales online. As an Affiliate Sign up to be an
affiliate for by
advertising their
products on your blog
or website. You can choose from a variety
of items to sell on
your blog and because
Amazon is such a well
known and trusted
brand, you will not doubt earning money.
There is the potential
to earn up to 10% in
revenue as an affiliate
on Amazon. Selling your Own
Ebooks you can write and sell
your own ebooks on
Amazon and earn
money on their
Amazon Kindle Direct
Publishing website. It is free and easy to set
up. You can earn 70
percent royalties
from the sales of each
book that you upload
and sell on Amazon. By Publishing your
Blog on Amazon You can earn money
from your blog or
website by publishing
it on Amazon Kindle
Publishing for Blogs.
You simply list your blog or website on
Amazon with the
description and
appropriate category
to list online. Amazon
Kindle readers can purchase a
subscription to your
blog for a monthly
fee. Most likely it will
be around 99 cents or
a little more but it is a way for you to earn
extra money,
especially if you get
enough subscribers.

How To Create an
Amazon aStore: A
Step-By-Step Guide
With Photos and Video Like 2 Tweet Apply to become an associate The aStore widgets
are there to help you
to market your
aStore. As an amazon
associate, you are
able to create and customize widgets to
place on your page.
These widgets are
advertising your
products and direct
people to your aStore. To get a widget of
your aStore, click on
the get link tab and
copy the HTML shown.
Paste this code in the
desired area on your page and save it. You can customize the
widget by changing
the colors and
behavior of the
widget. For example,
you can change its size and the colors of
the background and
borders. If there are not
enough items available
in your store for
display, a generic
Amazon ad will be
displayed. Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages
account. Post Comment No HTML is allowed in
comments, but URLs
will be hyperlinked.
Comments are not for
promoting your Hubs
or other sites. An amazon aStore is
one way to make
money as an Amazon
associate. An aStore is
a product that Amazon
affiliates can use to monetize their blogs,
hub, lens, web pages,
or websites. When an
affiliate has
successfully created
an aStore, they are at liberty to use banners,
widgets, and links on
their web pages to
advertise and direct
visitors to their store.
Setting up an aStore is easy and free for
associates. You do not
need to know HTML
coding or have any
other technical
internet skills. You can even choose the color
scheme and items you
want to sell. I will show you how
to create your own
aStore and start
making more money
online. Step 1: Become an
Associate In order to monetize
your web page with
Amazon's aStores, you
need to be an
associate. This is free
and there are other benefits to being an
associate than having
an aStore. Go the
Amazon's website and
click sign in to create your account. You will
be taken to a new
page where you will
be asked to sign in to
your account. Enter
your email address, click the button that
says 'I am a new
customer', and then
sign in. After clicking the sign
in button, you should
see a Registration
page. Fill in your name,
email address, phone
number, and a password then create
your account. Congratulations!
You are now an
Amazon Associate. Step 2: Create Your
Category Pages Now that you are an
associate, sign in and
click on the aStore tab
on the home page.
Here, you can create
the settings for your affiliate store using
the choices given.
Four basic choices are
given: (1) Hide the category navigation (2) Enable mature screening - to prevent children or
persons younger than
eighteen from viewing
adult content. (3) Enable a link back to my site in the
navigation - A link will be placed in your
aStore that will allow
visitors to easily go
back to your website
or webpage. (4) Enable an About Page - Tell your visitors what they will
find in the store. Decide the category in
which your aStore will
fall. This will be the
deciding factor on
what people will find
in your store based on keywords
describing the
contents of your
store. You can create
more than one
category of items in one store by using the Add Category Page button on the ribbon.
You can place them in
whatever order you
desire. To change the
order of the
categories, use the arrows to move them
up and down and to
collapse and promote
subcategories. Step 3: Edit the
Category The Category Title will
update automatically
when you add
products. If you are a
new associate, it may
be easier for you to choose your products
from a list provided
by Amazon. On the
Edit Category Page,
choose Add products from
category from the dropdown then select
an Amazon category.
You can include all
subcategories for the
category you chose
or list keywords that will narrow down
what products will be
included in your stock.
Add a description,
save your changes and
hit the continue button. Step 4: Edit the
Color and Design of
Your Store Customize your store
using different colors
and a logo. You can
use a prepared theme
or create your own
by customizing the page background
color, font and colors
of the header, content
background color and
even the color of your
links. There is also the option of naming your
store and including a
logo. Unfortunately,
you cannot upload a
photo and will have to
use one that is already on a webpage. In
doing this, remember
to use photos that are
associated with the
store's contents and
do not infringe on the author's copyright. Step 5: Customize
Your Widgets Widgets are the little windows on the page
that show the
different products
offered in a specific
store or page. When
you are through customizing your
widgets save your
changes and get the
link to your store.
You can place this link
on your webpage to direct people to your
store. Just copy the
HTML link provided
and paste it at your
desired location. You can create as
many aStores as you want, as often as you
wish. This is the aStore
created in the steps
above Linda's Auto
Associates -
Automotive Discover More Hubs

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