Monday 21 October 2013

Hands up everyone whose mom
or dad used to say to them: “If
you had brains you’d be
dangerous”. Most of us? Or is
that just my mom? Anyway, the
point of the phrase, such as I understand it, is that some
people in trying to be devious
just reveal how little they know,
and if they played it straight
when they needed to, they’d
get a lot further. This is something that people do a lot
when it comes to Adsense. An unbelievably large number of
people make the mistake of
trying to trick Google on a
program that has been
designed by Google. Now, we’re
talking about one of the most powerful and well-known
companies in the world. Do you
think they’ve got there by
being stupid? Don’t you think
that when they were designing
the systems that have made them so successful, they might
have planned for people who
would seek to exploit loopholes?
You’re not going to pull the
wool over their eyes, and if you
try to they’re not going to take it lying down. Your best chance of Adsense
success is to have a good site,
as simplistic as that may sound.
What ads do you think are
going to get the most clicks?
The ones that are on sites with a high Google ranking because
the content is worth reading, or
the ones that are hosted by
someone who has thought
more about how he is going to
trick Google into giving him more money? Surely the answer is
simple? Tags: Adsense Mistakes #1:
Putting The Cart Before The
Horse Many people over-think the
way they use a fairly simple
system in this day and age, and
as a result make a mess of
things. Because these systems
are often new, people assume that they will naturally be
complicated and “too different”,
and will require special
knowledge, even when this is
not the case. When using
Adsense this often leads to a situation where the person
thinks “Adsense” while writing
content – rather than thinking
“content”. Probably all of us have read
sites which seem to have been
designed to trigger Adsense.
The content on these sites
reads in a horribly forced way
and sounds like it has been written around the keywords.
Half of the time – let’s say the
keyword is “Swarovski crystals”
– the content will be poor and
over-stuffed with keywords.
The writer might as well just type “banana banana banana
Swarovski crystals banana” for
all the effort it takes to crowbar
in a keyword. But if you are
writing about Swarovski
crystals, it’s more or less impossible not to use the
phrase anyway. Indeed, it could be said that one
of the keywords in this article is
“keyword” – and because the
article is about keywords, it has
been used repeatedly without
even trying. Pick your subject, think about it in a logical way,
and you will see that obsessing
about such a detail is not
helpful for your purposes. Why
overcomplicate a really very
simple system? It just isn’t necessary. Tags: Keywords And How To Use
Them If you want to make money
using Adsense, then the first
thing you need to do is make
your site attractive both to
readers and to Google. In most
cases, these two things are one and the same. Google places
sites higher in its rankings if
they are more frequently visited
– therefore it is a good idea to
make your site worth visiting. A
lot of people over complicate this matter by trying to think
how they can make their site
interesting and keyword-filled.
In actual fact, if you know how
to use keywords, you can
bypass a lot of the boring stuff. Often a keyword is not a word
in itself, but more accurately a
“key phrase”. Think about it –
when you search using Google,
how often do you limit your
search term to a single word? It may be the case that your
search is just that specific, but
the more information you use in
your search, the more relevant
the results will be. If you want
to find a dance studio near you, will you search for “dance
studios” or will you try “dance
studios [home town]”, possibly
adding a few more terms? All you need to do to make your
content Adsense friendly is
write to your subject. It is best
to avoid over-thinking how you
can get the keyword in because
the sentences in your content will read as though they have
been forced. In the context of
writing about your subject, you
will undoubtedly need to use
the key phrases anyway – and
if you read back to see that this has not happened, you can
then edit it to ensure it still
reads well. Tags: How To Succeed With
Adsense Without Really
Trying With any internet-based
money-making scheme, there is
often a sense among beginners
that it is pointless to even try it,
because they have no special
knowledge and cannot expect to develop it in time for it to be
effective. The fact of the matter
is, though, that many of the
systems in place are so
designed to be user-friendly
that you don’t actually need that high a level of knowledge in
the first place. You just need to
follow some simple instructions
and you’re pretty much on
your way. Adsense is a system that has
grown up among people who
run their own websites, and
allows them to monetise their
sites without really doing very
much. It is a simple matter of signing up to use Adsense on
your site and allowing Google to
have access to your site for the
placing of ads that are relevant
to your content. Adsense will do
the rest itself and give you the tools to make money from the
searches and clicks of people
who visit your site. This all sounds very
straightforward and there is no
doubt that many people will be
looking for the “catch”. There is
not really a catch to be found,
but the simple fact is that people will spend longer on, and be
more likely to click advertising
content from, a site that they
find interesting. The job of any
webmaster using Adsense to
make a bit of extra money is to make their content worth
reading – if you can’t do that
then you need not expect to
make any money. Tags:

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